Tags for: kids-mobile-phones

  • 5 educational kids apps for the summer holidays

    It’s now January and if you haven’t heard your kids say “I’m bored” once, we’d like to know your secret to parenting through the school holidays. Although we’ve already recommended a bunch of shows for you to stream with your family over the break, we know that watching television is not a permanent (or healthy) solution […]

  • Yomojo Guidelines to Healthy Screen Habits for kids…

    Let’s talk addiction and screen time. Now we don’t use the word lightly, but if you’re like most people, then your personal smart device is a big part of your everyday life. And you’d be lost without it. “They” (being developers) have even come out with self-monitoring tools that make us put our phones down […]

  • Yomojo is a FINALIST in the 2018 finder.com.au Awards!

    The finder Awards 2018 celebrate the success of Australia’s most forward-thinking businesses. Now in their third year, the finder Awards are designed to acknowledge excellence and recognise creativity and impact in a range of industries from banking, property to technology, retail and travel. And Yomojo is a FINALIST! We are committed in connecting MORE Australian […]

  • When should your child be given their first mobile?

    Chances are if your child is of school age they’ve asked when they are allowed to have a mobile phone. And as a parent you’ve searched for a hard and fast rule when it comes to answering that question. Unfortunately there are no clear cut answers and it largely depends on the child: Here are some questions […]