Tags for: internet-safety

  • 5 educational kids apps for the summer holidays

    It’s now January and if you haven’t heard your kids say “I’m bored” once, we’d like to know your secret to parenting through the school holidays. Although we’ve already recommended a bunch of shows for you to stream with your family over the break, we know that watching television is not a permanent (or healthy) solution […]

  • Yomojo Guidelines to Healthy Screen Habits for kids…

    Let’s talk addiction and screen time. Now we don’t use the word lightly, but if you’re like most people, then your personal smart device is a big part of your everyday life. And you’d be lost without it. “They” (being developers) have even come out with self-monitoring tools that make us put our phones down […]

  • 5 tips for your child’s first smartphone

    It’s now December, meaning 2018 has almost come and gone in the blink of an eye. It also means something more significant to all of us, especially to parents – it is now officially holiday season. It can be difficult as a parent in this day and age buying gifts for your children with so […]

  • Netflix shows to stream with your family

    End of year is coming which means holidays and family time – and this doesn’t have to mean conflict over who has the remote – so how do you make sure you AND your kids can enjoy some down time together? We all know that not everything on Netflix is appropriate for the whole family. Chilling Adventures […]

  • Avoiding the dark side of the internet in 2018…

    Ok, so our online utopia might be about online communities that are cushioned with bright and bubbly websites & connecting people from all over the globe, but the sad truth is, the internet can be a pretty dark place… if you know where to look. While on the surface the web and social media are about connectivity, the internet […]

  • Teenagers and chat sites: How parents can keep up…

    Technology moves quickly. And it’s well and truly entrenched in our kids education, skillsets and social habits – and it’s not going anywhere. As a parent, the finger always has to be on the pulse – but what does this mean for parents who can’t keep up? (and trust us, it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep up, […]